Warning Signs
Below is a list of warning signs that your horse or pony may have a problem that requires dental treatment:

Did you know?
- All horses have a minimum of 36 teeth – 12 incisors, 12 pre-molars, and 12 molars. They may also have 4 canines and 4 wolf teeth
- Mares can get canine teeth (tushes) but they are usually blind and remain below the gum line
- Canine teeth in mares can also mean a sign of hormone inbalance, and possibly a high level of male hormone testosterone
- Your horses teeth are known as hyposodant, which like rodents, erupt about 2-3mm per year. This can also be known as the rate of wear
- When a horse reaches 5 years of age the mouth is conisderd full. As all permanent teeth have erupted and are in wear
- Not all horses get wolf teeth, they are remnant from the prehistorice development of the horse
- Wolf teeth serve no useful purpose and should be removed
- Floating is the term used when carrying out procedures using rasps
- All horses should recieve checks and routine maintenance roughly every 6 months
- A horse with poorly maintained teeth could be eating 25% or more food each day than it needs. Therefore the money you spend using a good dentist could be saved on your annual food bill.